PSO Season 10 Rules

PSO Season 10 - Tennis League Rules

General Rules

PSO is a friendly league. EC or organizers will NOT be held responsible for any injuries, accidents or health issues.
Home Team will open a new can of balls (refer to the Schedule tab on the website).
Home Team is responsible for booking courts for the weekly game.
If a player is injured and cannot continue, the match will be forfeited. The injured team receives points scored up to the injury.
If a player does not show up within 30 minutes, the opponent may call for a default.
Scheduled matches cannot be rescheduled within 4 hours of play. Opponents can reschedule within the week or take the default.
If a player cannot continue the season, lower-ranked players may replace them. Max 2 replacements are allowed. Injured players can be replaced with EC approval.
Line calls must be agreed upon by the players; no discussions allowed. Audience input should be ignored.
If there is doubt about a line call, the point is awarded to the opponent.
If the match is interrupted due to weather, it resumes from where it left off with new balls unless both teams agree to use old balls.
EC does not validate line-up rules before matches but may disqualify teams if rules are not followed.
Captains will pick their team in an auction.
EC reserves the right to override rules. Disrespect towards any player, captain, or EC will not be tolerated.

Code of Conduct

Coaching is allowed during breaks, but sledging is not tolerated.
Cheering is allowed, but sledging or disrespect is prohibited. EC may take disciplinary action if violated.

League Format

12 teams with 13 players each will participate this season.
Each team plays every other team in its division during the league stage.
Teams play 7 lines each week: DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4, S1, S2 & S3.
Captains, check your team’s availability for the season and plan accordingly.


Top 4 teams from each Division will advance to the next round.
Top 4 teams of Division 1 (A) will play against the top 4 teams of Division 2 (A) in the Quarterfinals. Four teams advance to the Semifinals, and two teams advance to the Finals to play for the Championship. The matches will proceed as outlined below.
Quarterfinals: A1 vs B4 (Q1); B1 vs A4 (Q2); A2 vs B3 (Q3); B2 vs A3 (Q4).
Semifinals: Q1 vs Q4 (S1); Q2 vs Q3 (S2).
The winners of the semifinals will play in the Grand Finale.
Ranking will be based on the number of points a team earned in league matches.
In the event of a tie between two teams, the winner will be decided by the number of lines won by each team against the other during the league phase (head-to-head).
In the case of a tie between three teams, if it cannot be decided by the number of lines, the total games won minus total games lost will be calculated, and the higher number will triumph.
If there is a tie between two teams in total games won minus total games lost, the number of lines won by each team against the other during the league phase (head-to-head) will determine the winner.
If there is a tie between all three teams, the team winning the most sets in the entire tournament will take the top spot, and the remaining two teams will be ranked based on the number of lines won against each other during the league phase.

League Rules

Every week, 7 lines will be played.
To win the match, a team must win 2 out of 3 sets. The first two sets will be a 6-game set. The third set can be a full 6-game set or a 12-point tiebreaker. Note: If any player chooses the tiebreaker, all players in that match must agree. EC recommends playing the full set.
Players for all 7 lineups must be shared with the EC by Wednesday 9 PM for the following week’s matches. The EC will share the lineups in the open group once received from both teams.
Along with the lineup, the Home team must share at least 3 possible dates from Monday through Sunday for each line for Match week. The opponent must agree on one of the dates, and matches must be completed as planned. Failure to declare/accept dates will result in forfeiture to the opponent team. Exceptions will be reviewed by the EC.
In case of inclement weather conditions, the date will be extended to the Wednesday of the following week.
Finishing the lines as early as possible is recommended.
A player cannot play more than one line per week with the same team unless they are a replacement for an unavailable player.
A player must play a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 games during the league stage, including singles and doubles.
Exchanged lineup cannot be changed unless agreed upon by both Captains and approved by the EC before the play-date.
Line formation rules:
Singles: Teams are divided into 3 groups (Rank 1-4, Rank 5-8, Rank 9-13) based on actual ranks shared for that week. Follow the schedule to see which group will play.
Doubles: Eight team players will be selected for doubles for any given week. Selected players' ranks will be readjusted (R1 through R8) according to their original rank. Example: if #2 and #5 are selected for doubles and none above #5 are playing doubles that week, then #2 becomes #1 and #5 becomes #2, and so on.
Rank Line Formation with adjusted ranks:
DL1: R1, R2, R3
DL2: R2, R3, R4, R5
DL3: R4, R5, R6, R7
DL4: R6, R7, R8
Note: Any match played without following rules must be pointed out or objected within the week of the match played.
The Home team should create team groups with the players of that week after the fixtures are published with the captains.
If teams find an incorrect formation:
  • If the game has been scheduled but not played, report to the EC within 3 days of lineup announcement.
  • If the game has been played, report to the EC within 5 days.


Winner of Match
14 points.
Losing team with 1 Winning Set
10 points.
Losing team with 0 Winning Set
Max 8 points (number of points won in the 2 sets that were lost), Min 2 points (for showing up).
Forfeited Matches (not shown)
0 points.
Matches not completed as per schedule
0 points.
Forfeited Matches (during play due to injury)
Min 2 points + match score during the first set.
10 points for the team that stays if the first set is won.

PSO S#10 Playoffs (Additional Rules)

Game schedules MUST be announced by Wednesday 5 PM for that week’s game.
Any replacement provided will be permanent for the team and cannot be swapped even if the retired player becomes available.
One person (lower rank) can substitute a maximum of 1 game. Rank 13 has no limit.
The maximum substitutions with a lower rank during the league stage will be 5.
The team that wins 4 games qualifies for the next round, and any unplayed games can be skipped.
If any game is not completed, it will be considered 0-0, and points earned in the completed matches will be considered for the next round.